I have a friend who whenever I ask her how she is, responds “Living my Best Life!”. This is typically her way of saying that she is struggling with a trying workplace incident or a challenging day and the phrase is delivered dripping with sarcasm. However, it reminds me that each of us should aspire to be our best selves, living our best lives. The key word here is OUR – not someone else’s best. Not an unrealistic fantasy life, but a bespoke life according to our individual circumstances and dreams.
No matter our age, social standing, financial status or marital status, each of us can develop and nurture ourselves to the extent of our limitless potential.
Over the years, I have discovered some key elements that have allowed me to grow. These include being grateful, making time for what fulfils me, enjoying the little things, learning new things, being in the moment and not worrying about what others may think of me.
There are some additional and interesting elements that we may consider.
Taking risks
Although we may be fearful of the unknown, going outside of our comfort zones can often be rewarding and empowering. We may also learn something new that boosts our confidence and elevates our skill set.
Saying “No”…and daring to say “Yes” more often
In an effort to accommodate others in both the workplace and our personal lives, we often agree to too many things; learning to respectfully say “no” provides us with additional free time to spend on things we really enjoy, while reasserting more control over our own lives. At the same time, we should embrace curiosity and invite new experiences into our lives often.
Realising that no-one is perfect
Despite our natural proclivity to strive for perfection, no-one is perfect. Access to social media can have us shaming ourselves for not achieving the full lives and ‘successes’ that others appear to experience. Instead, we can choose to be grateful for all that we are blessed to experience in our lives.
Acknowledging that failure is part of the journey
As babies, we spent countless hours standing up and falling down in efforts to master the art of walking – and many of us have been doing so perfectly well ever since. We had to overcome numerous ‘failures’ to achieve that goal. Failing is an integral part of learning.
Your best life? It’s in your hands. We all have the inherent ability to make our lives richer and more fulfilling by practicing self-care, self-tolerance, and choosing to meet life with enthusiasm.